(541) 779-8367 | Office hours 8am–5pm Monday – Thursday | Telephone hours 8am–4:30pm Monday - Thursday
Procedures are performed Monday - Friday

Office Hours

8 am - 5 pm Monday - Thursday
Procedures performed Monday - Friday

Telephone Hours

Telephone hours 8am–4:30pm
Monday - Thursday

(541) 779-8367

Medical Facilities

Gastroenterology Consultants, P.C.
2860 Creekside Circle
Medford, OR 97504


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Patient Testimonials

Prep FAQ


  1. Can I drink wine/alcohol on the prep day?
    Not recommended. Alcohol dehydrates you, already be fighting dehydration with prep.
  2. The prep instructions state okay to have beef/chicken broth. What about vegetable broth?
    Vegetable broth is okay, but must be strained – NO solids.
  3. Is sugar (honey) okay in my coffee or tea?
    Yes. Just no milk or non-dairy creamer.
  4. Can I have Pepsi, Coke, root beer?
    Yes. All Pepsi and Coke products are ok.


  1. Can I have fruit in my Jello?
    No. Jello only.
  2. Can I chill/harden my Jello?
  3. Can Jello be red?
    No. It looks like blood in the colon.


  1. I lost my prep instructions. What should I do?
    Come to office to pick up new one.  Verbal instruction over phone.  Print prep instructions from this website.
  2. I lost the envelope with the Dulcolax pills in it or there isn’t 4 pills in the envelope. What should I do?
    Come by and get more at our office, if feasible. Otherwise, omit or purchase them at a pharmacy.
  3. What if the Dulcolax gets crushed in the mail?
    If time available, come pick them up at office or purchase them at a pharmacy.


  1. Can I take my medication the morning of my procedure?
    Only heart, blood pressure, seizure and asthma medicines – 4 hours prior to the procedure, with small amount of water. (NO narcotics 6 hours prior to procedure.) All medications okay after.
  2. I forgot to hold my Coumadin/Plavix/Aggrenox. Should I reschedule?
    Must speak to MA.
  3. I forgot to hold my fish oil. Should I reschedule?
    No. Don’t need to reschedule. Just stop from this point on until after procedure.
  4. Can I take my medications on the day before my procedure?
    Yes, unless it is Coumadin, Plavix, warfarin, or unless otherwise directed by physician.
  5. Should I hold aspirin five days before procedure? What about Motrin, Advil, Aleve, etc.?
    No. Day of procedure only.
  6. Do I need to reschedule if I didn’t stop iron?
    No. Just stop from this point on until after the procedure.
  7. If iron is in my multivitamin, do I stop taking it?
    No. Okay to continue multivitamin.
  8. Can I take my vitamins on the day of the procedure?
    Omit vitamins. Prescriptions only on day of exam.


  1. Can I start the prep before/after 12 PM?
    Prep shouldn’t be started before noon. You may start later but adjust time of other laxatives accordingly and you may be up all night.
  2. Do I have to drink magnesium citrate if bowel movements are clear?
    You must do all the prep given to you by your doctor.
  3. I finished all the MiraLax and I am still having bowel movements that are not clear. What do I do?   Take more MiraLax, increase fluids (at least 6 more doses of MiraLax).
  4. Can I buy the generic MiraLax?
  5. I have finished all the MiraLax and have not had a bowel movement yet. What do I do?
    Be patient. Some people take longer to have bowel movement. Increase fluids.
  6. I can’t drink any more fluid. I am going to vomit if I drink any more.
    Slow down. Take a break for an hour or so and then resume prep. May drink every 45 minutes.
  7. I have diarrhea. Do I have to do the whole prep?
    Yes. Diarrhea will not clean you out. Stool still sticks to the colon walls.


  1. Can I ride my bike or walk after the procedure?
    No. Patient needs a ride. Taxi is okay.  It depends on the facility, please call the facility for additional information.
  2. How long before I can drive after procedure?
    We recommend you do not drive for 24 hours.
  3. Can I wait around a few hours and then drive home?
    No. You must have a driver.


  1. How much does the procedure cost and will my insurance cover it?
    Please call and speak to our billing department.
  2. How long does the procedure take?
    Approximately Two (2) hours total time – 30 minutes for procedure average.
  3. Can my friend/family member stay with me during the procedure?
    Not in procedure room. Waiting room or pre-op/post-op room okay.
  4. Can I have a colonoscopy during my period?
    Yes. You must wear a tampon.
  5. Can I wear my teeth during the EGD?
    No. Risk of them breaking but, bring them with you if you’d like.
  6. I ate breakfast this morning. Should I reschedule?
    Check with MA, each doctor is different.
  7. Will I see the doctor before the procedure? Will he talk to me after the procedure?
    Yes, you will see the doctor before the procedure. After the procedure he will give you information on what he saw or did. If he removes a polyp or does biopsies, give 7-10 business days for results.
  8. Do I need to reschedule if I have a cold?
    No, unless you have a fever or persistent cough.
  9. What if I have major medical change before procedure?
    Notify MA.
  10. Will I feel anything?
    No. You will be sedated and comfortable, pain-free.
  11. How do they do both procedures? Do they use the same scope?
    Upper endoscopy will be done first, then they will change scopes and turn the bed to do the colonoscopy without you waking up. Different scopes are used.
  12. Can I have colonoscopy without a prep?
    No. Colon must be cleaned out with laxatives. Risk of missing something too great.
  13. My bottom is raw. What can I do?
    Use Tucks, witch hazel on cotton balls, Vaseline or Desitin.